Sponsored by Bellingham and inconjunction with Shiraz SA’s annual Shiraz Challenge, the Bellingham Bernard Podlashuk Shiraz Trophy together with a R30 000 cash prize was introduced in 2022. This magnificent trophy is named after the “Father of South African Shiraz”, Bernard Podlashuk.
In 2022, Saronsberg was announced as the first winner of this award for the best overall performance by a producer over the first ten years of the Shiraz SA Challenge.
In 2023, the criteria were adapted to “sustainability, excellence, innovation, creativity, and social responsibility”. Creation Wines was crowned as the second winner of the award in 2023.
All producers of Shiraz are invited to submit their entries for the 2024 edition of this prestigious award, by completing the accompanying entry form and questionnaire.
The cut-off date for entries is Friday 12 July 2024. Interviews will be conducted with the three finalists.

Shiraz SA het die Bellingham Bernard Podlashuk Shiraz-trofee tesame met ‘n R30 000 kontant-prys, geborg deur Bellingham, in 2022 as deel van hul jaarlikse Shiraz Challenge bekendgestel. Hierdie manjifieke trofee is vernoem na die “Vader van Suid-Afrikaanse Shiraz”, Bernard Podlashuk.
Saronsberg is in 2022 aangewys as die eerste ontvanger ter erkenning van die beste algehele prestasie deur ‘n produsent oor die eerste dekade van die Shiraz SA Challenge.
In 2023 is die kriteria aangepas na “volhoubaarheid, uitnemendheid, innovering, kreatiwiteit en sosiale verantwoordelikheid”. Creation Wines is in 2023 bekroon as die tweede wenner van die toekenning.
Alle Shiraz-produsente word genooi om in te skryf vir die 2024 rondte van hierdie prestige-toekenning, deur die inskrywingsvorm en gepaardgaande vraelys te voltooi.
Die sperdatum vir indiening is Vrydag 12 Julie 2024. Onderhoude sal met die drie finaliste gevoer word.
Fill in the Sustainable Innovation Questionnaire